Eric M. Bernstein & Associates, New Jersey Law Firm
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Land Use and Environment Law


Land Use and Environmental Law is one legal area of often mind-numbing and – if sound, prompt action is not taken – wallet-draining complexity.

At Eric Bernstein & Associates, L.L.C., we represent public entities with shrewd attention to detail, prudent preventative measures, and an aggressive defense if it becomes necessary to go to court. Our practice includes any subject touching on these fields, whether representing a planning or zoning board as counsel; COAH / Mt. Laurel litigation on behalf of public entities or giving advice and assistance, remediation /due diligence or litigation as to environmental issues.

The firm has been at the forefront of burgeoning issues as affordable housing, mergers of municipalities, cellular towers, open space acquisition, zoning/master plan drafting/ challenge and environmental/sewerage regulatory matters before DEP/EPA and for special litigation on any of the aforementioned issues.

Labor Lawyer  |  Government Lawyer  |  Environment Lawyer
Litigation Lawyer  |  Internet Lawyer  |  Education Lawyer  
Election Lawyer  |  Media Lawyer


   Our Attorneys
Practice Areas

The New Jersey law firm of Eric M. Bernstein & Associates, L.L.C. provides personalized client services in complex areas of law.

Eric Martin Bernstein, Esq. - Principal
Philip G. George, Esq. - Of Counsel
Brian M. Hak, Esq. - Of Counsel
Phillip A. LaPorta, Esq. - Of Counsel
Dominic P. DiYanni, Esq. - Associate


Eric M. Bernstein & Associates are experienced attorneys in the following practice areas:
  Labor & Employment Law
  Municipal & Government Law
  Land Use and Environment Law
  Litigation Law
  Internet Law / First Amendment Law
  Education Law
  Election Law
Media & Telecommunications Law

  Have a legal issue or question? Contact us today and we will resolve it promptly.  


Home Search

Eric M. Bernstein & Associates, L.L.C.
34 Mountain Boulevard, Building A
P.O. Box 4922
, Warren, NJ 07059
Office Address
34 Mountain Boulevard, Building A
, Warren, NJ 07059

Tel: 732-805-3360 - Fax: 732-805-3346 - email:

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